I can only imagine the horrors those sent to Gitmo are enduring and wherever the others were sent. We can only hope those fighting for them in the courts will see them returned, alive.
The documentary "Separated" lays out the repercussions of these policies clearly. And now the same people are at the helm again. And still, there's 1,400 kids who haven't been reunited with their fam. Heartbreaking shit.
It is heartbreaking. I've thought a lot about them and their parents over the years since. I hope someday Trump and his thugs get a good taste of their own medicine - behind bars!
*For some reason, I can't "like" your comment....???
I can only imagine the horrors those sent to Gitmo are enduring and wherever the others were sent. We can only hope those fighting for them in the courts will see them returned, alive.
The documentary "Separated" lays out the repercussions of these policies clearly. And now the same people are at the helm again. And still, there's 1,400 kids who haven't been reunited with their fam. Heartbreaking shit.
It is heartbreaking. I've thought a lot about them and their parents over the years since. I hope someday Trump and his thugs get a good taste of their own medicine - behind bars!
*For some reason, I can't "like" your comment....???